Thought Potato

By Avni Gupta

An Indian's Guide to Success


Sometimes you really hate being an Indian. Like really hate.
No, we’re not awful people. But the thing is, we’re basically all Slytherins, if you know what I mean. There’s an awe-inspiring amount of ambition, but that same ambition can be soul-crushing when it’s not entirely your own. You’ve got to be the best - at everything - or else you’ll end up “flipping burgers at McDonald's.” So how do we avoid the dreaded McDonald’s? Go to a good college. Obviously.

The New Normal


There's been a lot of talk about the "new normal" and whatnot, basically referring to how our entire lives have been upended, and I feel like by continuing to call it the new normal nearly four months into a pandemic is kind of o....

It's About Time,But Why?


I want to take this post to talk about the George Floyd protests, I think. Like, I completely agree that it's past time that we start actively protesting, but I can't help but wonder, why now? These things have been happening for years. I'm pretty sure deaths by police brutality have hovered around 1,000 every year since they started counting them. And yeah, there's been the constant societal murmur about police brutality and racial dis....

Fly Lords


Completely unrelated, but the classic Lord of the Flies is . . . .really concerning. Like I'm really concerned for William Golding's mental state right now.
Anyways, though. There are two main issues I have with the book. One, it's 100% inaccurate. Ac....

Back To The Future


Great movie, isn't it? I think so. Our future, though, isn't nearly as exciting.

People are talking about going back to school in the fall, and some states are already opening up. It's like, have you ever even heard of a pandemic?

Grow Up


I'm no artist. Hopefully, you know this already. There is one art I do love, though, and that's photography (and music). The quality's really bad on this one, and I don't really know how to make it better, so you'll just have to take my word for it.

Anyways, Art That Represents The Pandemic. Basically we read this really good article that proves that the New York Times is literally the best. It connected art and pan/epi....

Art Is Fun


I wouldn't be writing this, only my history teacher is kind of making me. You see, art is not fun. Art makes no sense. It looks nice and probably has a meaning in there somewhere but I have no clue how to get to that message because it's buried under like fifteen layers of paint and a mass of artistic methods....

A World Without the US of A


So I think you'll find that the majority of things I write are to some extent, inspired by the New York Times, so kudos to them for being so awesome. Y'all are doing great.

Anyways, I get a bunch of newsletters from the Times, right? Among them is the Morning Briefings, which basically sum up the big headlines for the day. I'm waaaay behind on them and was trying to catch up today, when I cam....

If The World Ended Tomorrow, Would We Know It?


Probably Not. I mean, besides the historians and history students, no one's looking for parallels between us right now and the fall of Rome, or even the end of the Middle Ages, which might be more apt, considering it ended with the plague.

The fall of the US, and even the global society as we know it is inevitable. And that sounds conspiracy fanatic-esque, I know. But think about it! Every gre....