
The Renaissance, The Reformation, and The Pandemic


One of these things is not like the others. Pandemic starts with a 'P'. 😁 But, you never know. What if Pandemic == Renaissance? Sorcery!

Well, at the most basic level, going outside was necessary for all three to spread. The Renaissance and Reformation to spread and exchange ideas, and the Pandemic to get people infected...



We've hit 227,743 cases worldwide, guys! According to this handy dandy webpage from Johns Hopkins, we've got over 9,000 in the US alone. See what I mean when I say Death Is Imminent?

But I do think that the death part is less literal dying than society collapsing. Like, for most of us, COVID-19 is like a cough and a fever. So unless you're over 65, it's not that huge of a deal. And yeah, it's import...

eLearning is Actually Kinda Okay


Hey, welcome back to Coronavirus 2020. So eLearning started yesterday, right? And I'm finding that it's actually not so bad. I mean yeah, my math teacher found out that he could assign us the entire math section of the SAT, but aside from that, not all that bad. I have the entire day to do like, three subjects worth of work, and since there's like nothing else to do, I get it done pretty quick



Hey y'all! Welcome to Coronavirus 2020: Death Is Imminent! So since this is my first post, I'm just gonna catch y'all up on what's been happening here in the lovely state of Connecticut....